Friday, February 28, 2020

Ambiguous adventure-by cheikh hamiduo kane Essay

Ambiguous adventure-by cheikh hamiduo kane - Essay Example The parents are not so sure that hey want to send their children to a new place where they will encounter a totally different way of life from what they have been used to at home(Kane, 8). Samba is one of those sent to France for a better education. However, the Most Royal lady fully appreciates the risks that will come with that decision. She says of the children who will be sent away to France: â€Å"Perhaps the very memory of us will die in them. When they return from the school, there may be those who will not recognize us† (9). The first part of the book prepares the reader for the main theme of change and its impact on the characters. The Most Royal Lady foreshadows what would happen years later when many young people went to get education from the west. Many of them could not cope with the pressure of living in two worlds and they ended up forgetting where they had come from. Having been used to the normal life of his countrymen while schooling at the local French School, it is quite hard for Samba to grasp or come to terms with the French culture. One of the major cultural clashes that Samba faces is the difference between his traditional Islamic ways and the open Western way of life in France (12). He finds his situation ambiguous when he finds himself separated from the Islamic way of life which he has known all his life. In France, he becomes entangled in the French life and this leads to a loss of spiritual identity. This is what makes him feel ambiguous, because he is in a situation that he feels he cannot fit in, and the place where he fits is thousands of miles away (17). Samba feels some kind of emptiness since he cannot reconcile the beliefs and values that he was brought up to hold dear to and those of the Western culture. He goes through self conflict, although he does not forsake or forget his African ways. The conflict emerges from the fact that he realizes that as much as he cannot really accept

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Powers Given to the Police Force and How They Are Applied Term Paper

The Powers Given to the Police Force and How They Are Applied - Term Paper Example Policing is a noble activity that ensures that people live in harmony with one another. They make sure that people practice their right and at the same time give don't interfere with the rights of other people. Hence police cannot be taken as perfect but rather a major player in the sector of governance. Their role is just to ensure that people live in harmony with one another. In order to carry this role effectively, police are giving some power over the people. They are given the power to arrest those who do not act according to the requirements of the law. But in doing so they are guided by some principles which ensure that they keep ethics in their work. It doesn't mean that because police are given power over a citizen, they have to arbitrarily come and arrest others. They have to be guided by some principles in their work. The code of ethics is important in the world of police as it provides a guideline within which they should carry out their duties. It acts as a regulatory mechanism and a system of accountability for the police. Like the citizens are guided by the law that police force enforce, the police force is guided in its operation by a code of ethics which ensures that there are protocols that they have to observe in their work. (Frameer 2007, p. 90) It is rather absurd if the police force has to carry out their duties without observance of any code of ethics. They would exercise the powers that they are given in the world way. It is for this reason that the code of ethics for the police force becomes an indispensable tool that guides their operation. Therefore we have said that the police are given powers over the citizens to ensure that they keep to the requirements of the law. But is this power enough Do the police use the power they are given in the right manner Should they be given more power or should there be an accountability system.Â