Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Water Level Controller System Without Contact †Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Water Level Controller System Without Contact? Answer: Introduction The project is designed to detect the level of liquid by using an ultrasonic module. The ultrasonic module measures the range of liquid level (in cm) by detecting the reflection coming ahead of it. If the measure of the level falls below a set point the pump automatically starts (Bell, 2014). The project uses a microcontroller whose serial port is interfaced with this economics module. The Tx sensor sends the ultrasonic signal reflected from the level and is received by the ultrasonic Rx sensor. These signals are then sent to a microcontroller that initiates the relay to switch the pump on or off with the help of a MOSFET (Burt, 2013). This ultrasonic level controller comprises of an ultrasonic module which detects precise range by reflection coming ahead of it. This module is interfaced with the serial port of the microcontroller. Whenever level distance measured by cm falls below a set point the pump starts since by sensing the ultrasonic module signal coming out from the Tx sensor being reflected from the level and is received by the ultrasonic Rx sensor the output of which is fed to the microcontroller (Chiah, 2013). List of outcomes The most significant outcome of this project is to build up water indicator system. In order to achieve there are some steps, have to be done in order to get the good outcomes for the project.This project will help to automatically manage water level by the pump being started automatically by water but immediately the water level goes lower than the prearranged level which is always half of the tank. And it will turn OFF the pump immediately the tank is full. This design will also help in detecting the level of fuel in the vehicles (Stanford, 2011). Initial negotiation In the beginning of the project, an initial negotiated with the project supervisor for the second semester 2017 Suresh Designing and Building the actual model On this project we will be able to build a model which will help in control the level of water in a given container. A constant of the 5V power supply is obtained from the transformer which is then connected to a bridge rectifier which changes the AC to Dc and then a voltage regulator is connected to ensure a constant DC of 5V is maintained (Chiah, 2013). The tank to which the sensor is put is connected to the 5V DC power supply and 8 wires of the sensors of which one wire is connected to the constant 5 V DC supply while others are connected to the transistors. There is the usage of the transistors in this project is very important as itoperates as an inverter, for instance, in ON mode it gives a low voltage at the output when in OFF mode it will give high voltage at its output. All the output of the transistor is connected to the PORT of the Atmega 328 Microcontroller (Stanford, 2011). Out of the 8th level (tank full condition) is not displayed in the seven section display only but also shown with a nonstop lamb which helps to give the indication. This is clearly indicated in the block diagram below. Connecting and Testing Fixing the electrical apparatuses like the microcontrollers, sensors and wires into the system and immediately this is done then the system is tested. The operation of the project is very easy to understand on the three condition operation of the sensor. Water not available If the water tank has no water there will be lack of path between the designating probes which are eight for this case and the other probe which is coupled to the +5V supply such that the base emitter region of the transistor won?t have enough biasing voltage thus it rests in a cutoff region and the output on its collector will be roughly 4.2V. And for Atmega 328 Microcontroller, it employs the active low region ( 0-2 voltage for HIGH and about 3-5 voltage for LOW). Therefore the output of the transistor which will be 4.2 V is now considered LOW by Atmega 328 Microcontroller and a default value is given to Atmega 328 Microcontroller the seven segment which displays 0 indicating that the tank has no water (Burt, 2013). Intermediate levels If the water begins to fill the tank a pathway is recognized amid the sensor probe and the corresponding transistors gets enough biasing at the base of the transistor, they begin to conduct an d now the output will be about VCe ( 1.2-1.8) and this is given by Atmega 328 Microcontroller. This microcontroller is set as an encoder of priority which helps to detect the maximum priority input and shows consistent level of in the seven 7 sector display. The water level for this condition will be in the 7th level then a discontinuous lamp will be activated which informs the operator that the tank will not be filled soon (Stanford, 2011). Water full If the tank is made full, the top of the probe obtains the pathway via water and the equivalent to transistor will get into pathway where the output set to the Atmega 328 Microcontroller with the input microcontroller not only shows the level in the seven section but also it triggers the nonstop lamp where the Audit can fathom that the tank is occupied and then turn OFF the motor and saves water. This will indicate that the water is full in the water tank (Bell, 2014). Preparing reports and presentation A progress presentation will be given on time. A final written report will be provided later on. An oral presentation and demonstration for the final product will take a place at the end of this semester Block Diagram: Hardware Specifications Microcontroller unit MOSFET Transistors Voltage Regulator LED Holder Crystal LCD (162) Transformer Ultrasonic module Diodes Lamp Relay Software Specifications Arduino compiler MC Programming Language: Embedded C References Bell, C. (2014). Behinning Sensor Network . Manchester : Apress. Burt, A. G. (2013). Water Level Sensor and Datalonger Testring and demostration. Washington business: ITRC. Chiah, Y. H. (2013). The development of capacitive Water Level Sensor . Malaysia : University of Malaysia . Stanford, H. W. (2011). HVAC Water Chillers and cooling Tower . Hull: CRC

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