Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Crusade Salvation or Exploitation Essay - 825 Words

The Crusade: Salvation or Exploitation? (Essay Sample) Content: The crusades: salvation or exploitation?NameInstitution AffiliationThe Crusades: Salvation or Exploitation?In the current Christianity set up around the world, crusades are considered to be avenues of social exploitation. Unlike in the past crusade was a term used to indicate campaigns carried out by certain religions. The beginning of crusades is traced back from the 11th century .It resulted from the scramble over territories and boundaries by different states especially in Europe(Eisenhower,1948).On the other hand crusades were mostly but not all organized and done by Christians against Muslims who lived in the east. Additionally, it was also done by non-religious people whom their interests was mainly based on economic and political reasons. The sign of crusade was a cross since crusade is word taken from the French language meaning take up a cross. The first crusade to be carried out was done in 1095 by pope urban II, the aim of this crusade was to bring back a ccess to Jerusalem which was considered as a holy land to Christians (Shacham, 2012).This crusade led to a battle which took over 200 years with a result of the failure of the crusade beginners. In the current world, Christians have turned crusades into platforms of self gain which is very different from its original purpose hence a debate.In the past, crusades were voluntarily carried out by Christians with an aim of preaching the word of God to pagans and non-believers in order to convert them to be Christianity. It was guided by Christianà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s commitment and enticements in order to amend sins around the world. In contrast, crusades in the current society have been misused by self centered preachers .Most preachers around the world have used crusades for self gain instead of using it to preach the word of God to non-believers and convert them to repent their sins.Even though the methodology of organizing and conducting crusade in the past has still been maintained by some c hurches in the modern society, but most evangelist have taken gospel as a means of meeting their social and self needs. Through crusades, majority of evangelists have become very rich by making religion stunning and organizing lucrative crusades, and exploiting the poor believers under the dome of God (Philip, 2010). Most Christians take their time and gather in an evangelical crusade with a hope of finding a solution to their problems and eager to receive a miracle which is at a cost (Madden, 2005). These evangelists entice the Christians that gather around in their crusades into promises making them to donate huge sums of money and gifts with a hope of finding the answer to their problems. Most crusade attendees give out gifts enthusiastically which is either in terms of money or properties they own since the preachers emphasize and motivate them to do so by mainly mentioning the Bible verses that touch on giving.In some denominations and crusades, it is mandatory for believers to pay a certain amount of money on monthly basis with a reason that the Lord will make it more. Believers also give out willingly and with all their hearts since the preachers use scriptures that touches much on giving to entice them to give. There are different ways of fraud in evangelistic churches especially during crusades with a promise to the hope...

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